Our Eco-Friendly Products

All of our products are sustainably sourced and environmentally friendly. For printed products like t-shirts and apparel, the clothing itself is sustainably produced, organic and either fair trade or manufactured by ethical facilities that share our values. The inks used for printing are environmentally friendly and printed in shops that meet our standards. Other products, like our buttons, are made from recycled U.S. steel with recycled paper, soy based inks and made in a solar powered  by a woman owned business.

In addition, we will donate 10% of all our profits from our products as follows:

  • 5% to a nonprofit organization related to the product
  • 5% to purchase carbon offsets to cover the greenhouse gases emitted in the shipping process

Why do we do this? Because we firmly believe that businesses can be profitable, environmentally friendly and ethical, and we are investing in a model that is sustainable.

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